Polarity  Therapy Articles

 Articles : Polarity Revealed - external articles about polarity

Revealing more than Polarity - Relaxation and then there is still more.....Neutral-Space Relaxation(R)

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by Guru Rattana, Relaxation in the Two Polarities, 23/6/2013

Polarity Principle inherent in concept of structured water

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by Clayton Nolte, Natural Action Technologies, 4/6/2013

The Science and Art of Transformation

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by Dr Richard Bartlett DC ND, Matrix Energetics, 23/2/2012

The Principle of Polarity leads to a Balanced View and Great Freedom results

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by Candice O'Denver, Great Freedom, 29/9/2011

Bedini SSG free energy motor runs on the Polarity Principle

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by Tony Mills, Blog, 8/7/2011

Polarity and the Law of Attraction

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by Steve Pavlina, www.stevepavlina.com, 7/4/2011

Polarity for Pets

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by Ranna-Lesley Lachlan, Polarity for Pets, 16/2/2011

Articles by Anthony Deavin in Positive Health Magazine Online

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by Anthony Deavin BSc PhD RPP RCST, Positive Health, 5/2/2011

Polarity Therapy Online a wealth of information on Polarity Therapy

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by Richard Chandler PTP, Polarty Therapy Online, 29/10/2010

Energetic entrainment a scientific fact?

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by McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, Tiller, Wikipedia, 7/10/2010

Newsletters from across the pond

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by APTA, The American Polarity Therapy Association Newsletter, 18/9/2010

Science and Spirituality - Bridging the gap

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by Shahriar Shahriari, Shahriar Shahriari, 19/8/2010

Reframing the Wellbeing Debate - Balancing Science and Spirituality

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by William Bloom, the Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 30/6/2010

Polarity Therapy - An Introduction

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by Will Wilson RPP, APTA, 15/7/1996

The pH Miracle: balance your diet - reclaim your health.

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by Robert O Young PhD, Energise for life, 28/1/2010

Magnetized water: Universal Source of Health?

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by Hans R. Larsen, MSc ChE, International Health News, 11/6/2010

Why I became a Polarity Therapist 2

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by Kerry McKay, video clip, 21/5/2010

Wireless Anatomy Blog

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by UKPTA Counsel, Blogspot, 4/2/2010

Articles published in Positive Health magazine

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by Polarity Practitioners in the UK, Rosamund Joy, Anthony Deavin and Will Wilson, Positive Health, 7/12/2009

Exploring the dynamics of polarity

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by Dirk Kelder, www.polaritydynamics.com, 19/11/2009

The Polarity Principle in management - a concept whose time has come

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by Barry Johnson and Dana Wilcox, Polarity Management, 18/11/2009

Top scientist brain tumour reveals a new perspective

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by Jill Bolte, TED, 7/6/2008