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The UK Polarity Therapy Association

The UKPTA is the only member organisation for Polarity Practitioners in the UK, and is run by the elected counsel of members.

All our members are qualified Practitioners, at 3 levels of entry, and are fully insured. We also provide a Friends category of membership.

 a)  Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP):

     By undertaking and completing RPP training with one of our  registered  schools of Polarity you have the opportunity to join us and be part of the supportive membership.

The UKPTA recognises an award of PTP by the International Polarity Education Alliance.  So, if you wish, go to and apply for your PTP Certificate. You can then enclose this to support your application to the UKPTA)

 b)  Polarity Health Professional (PHP):    

      By undertaking and completing this level of qualification you can join  the UKPTA as a full participating member, and continue to study  onwards to RPP level is you so wish.

The UKPTA recognises an award of EPP by the International Polarity Education Alliance;  you can enclose the certification to support your application to the UKPTA.

 c)  Polarity Relaxation Practitioner (PRP):       (Student of Polarity Energy Bodywork)

The UKPTA recognises, for Polarity membership, the certificate for completing a Polarity (Energy Bodywork) Relaxation Course, by one of  our recognised training Schools, or EPP / RPP training in progress, please supply your Certificate to support your application to the UKPTA, or whilst  training to complete your PHP or RPP Education.

Friends and past members are always welcome to stay as part of the ‘hub’ of Polarity Therapy within the UKPTA.The UKPTA provides member support through providing postgraduate training, promotional material, business advice and representation at a national level (see our benefits of membership page).

The UKPTA also acts as a resource for the general public who are looking for qualified practitioners, or are interested in training as a Polarity Practitioner.

Click here to find a Polarity Practitioner in your area, or click here to read about

Dr Randolph Stone, the creator of Polarity Therapy.

Click here to contact us at the UKPTA.